By Sabrina Reber
Second Dimensional Chakra: (Sacral)
It is associated with the colour ORANGE
The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen below the navel and developed during 6-24 months. It is associated with procreation, assimilation of food, creativity, sexuality, vitality, desire, the will of spirit and emotional balance. When our sacral chakra is balanced we are willing to feel our emotions and express ourselves without losing our centre. We enjoy pleasurable activities without needing to overindulge in things that compromise our health and well-being. Unfortunately, many of us were taught not to express our emotions leading to emotional instability and the desire to numb our emotions with food, drugs and alcohol.
In addition, the sacredness and power of our sexual energy have been greatly distorted and abused. Religions create shame, depression and denial of sexuality while big corporations use sex and sexually explicit messages to increase cells. Sex is either denied or overindulged creating all kinds of perversions and addictions. We have lost touch with the intimacy and sacredness of sexual union partly because we have also shut down our emotional bodies. Unfortunately, blocking the natural flow of emotions and the powerful forces of our sexual energy creates blocks within our system that inhibit our natural flow of life force energy from cleansing and healing our entire system.
Balanced Sacral Chakra: Ability to Express Yourself, Emotional Intelligence, Ability to Experience Pleasure, Healthy Sexuality, Nurturing Self and Others, Healthy Boundaries, Open to Change, and Work harmoniously with Others.
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Unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Overindulgent in Food, Drugs, Alcohol, Material Things and Sex. Confusion, Lacking Purpose, Thrives in Crisis, Jealousy, Sexual Difficulties, Impotence, Poor Boundaries, Disconnected from Others.
Traumas to the Sacral Chakra: Sexual or Emotional Abuse, Neglect, Denial of Child’s Feelings, Alcoholic or Drug Addicted Families, Religious Extremes
Bodily Symptoms Expressing Blockage: Sexual Dysfunction, Impotence, Aging, Stiff Lower Back, Inflexible, Uterine, Bladder or Kidney Problems
The Sacral Chakra is where we process our emotions. Many people are disconnected from their emotions (sacral chakra) because their root chakra is blocked. They are fearful (root) of lovingly and authentically expressing how they truly feel (sacral). Many of us were taught that crying and sharing our emotions was a sign of weakness. We bought into the idea that emotions were bad and ended up doing great harm to our sacral chakra. Instead of feeling our feelings and allowing our emotions to be expressed, in a healthy way, we tend to block them denying that they ever existed.
When we actively begin healing the sacral chakra old stuffed emotions from our past, specifically our childhood will begin to surface so they can be felt, expressed and finally released. In addition, memories of times you have hurt others will also be revealed for final clearing. To truly heal and clear out our sacral chakra, we need to revisit the disowned emotional aspects of ourselves that we have denied. Once these blocks are removed, we will free up space in our sacral chakra for divine energy to move up into our third chakra, the Solar Plexus.
This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, the complete title of the book “RAISE YOUR VIBRATION”, an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page.Â
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