Did you know that the accumulation of things in the home and the disorder are related to different fears?
Fear of change, fear of being forgotten or forgetting, fear of lack and also symbolize confusion, lack of focus, chaos, and instability and can mean uncertainty about your goals, your identity or what you want from life. In addition, the place in the house where the disorder or accumulation is located reflects which area is problematic in your life. For example, it is said that the closet, or dressing room, reflects how you feel emotionally and that once you organize it your internal conflicts will calm down, or that a faded bedspread means that your love life has lost shine as well.
Have you kept broken or damaged objects for a long time thinking about repairing them someday? They symbolize promises and broken dreams and if it is about appliances, electronic furniture or crowery and you have them, for example, in the kitchen or bathroom they mean health and wealth problems.
If you have a mess in your room, it means that you are a person who leaves things unfinished and that you have difficulty having a partner or a stable job.
Children’s rooms are usually messy because they have not yet gone through the process of knowing what they want in life, but some studies show that children who keep their rooms organized tend to be better at school.
❍ Different kinds of accumulation
- New accumulation: This accumulation indicates that you are trying to do too many things at once that you are not focusing on what you should do and that you have lost the direction.
- Old accumulation: I am referring to objects that you have not used for a long time and that are stacked in the attic, garage, closets… Old work papers and documents on your computer that you no longer use, magazines from more than 6 months ago or clothes that you have not worn in more than a year. This is a reflection of the fact that you are living in the past and you are letting your old ideas and emotions take over your present and this at the same time prevents new opportunities and people from entering your life.
❍ 10 things you can do today to control the disorder:
- Get rid of the biggest thing first: the exercise bike that you no longer use or the giant teddy bear that you have kept since school. R
- Return the things they have lent you, CDs, books, clothes, and tools.
- Pick up what is on the floor and place it in a basket or bag until you can take the time to put it in place.
- Pick up magazines, catalogues and newspapers in a bag or basket.
- Take out of the closet 10 garments that you have not used in the last year and donate them.
- Clean the windows, it’s a figurative and literal way to let light into your life.
- Empty the garbage baskets, bathrooms, kitchens, and offices; they represent things that we no longer need or want in our lives.
- Take out of the drawers of your closet the loose stockings that have lost their companion, you can use them to clean furniture.
- Clear the desk, archive papers that you no longer use, and review and organize the mail received.
- Get rid of pens and markers that don’t work.
❍ The Meaning of Disorder in Our Home.
Human beings send messages and signals according to the accommodation of our personal belongings, even in our drawers. The accumulation of objects is a way of emitting signals; too many objects emit the saturation signal of totally confused, very unstructured and defined ideas, projects and plans.
Disorder alters the tao or the path to achieve our goals. It blocks the access routes of opportunities and makes us waste time, which can be invaluable to structure our life plan in an orderly and disciplined way.
Depending on the place where the disorder accumulates, it is the message or signal that is being emitted:
- If there is disorder or objects piled up at the entrance of the house, it is interpreted as fear of relating to other people.
- If there is a mess or objects piled up in the closet, the message is that you do not have control over the analysis and handling of emotions.
- If there is disorder or objects piled up in the kitchen, the message or sign is of resentment or sentimental fragility.
- If there is a mess on the desk or work area, the message is of frustration, fear and the need to control the situation.
- If there is disorder behind the doors, the message is of fear of not being accepted by others, feeling of feeling constantly watched.
- If there is disorder under the furniture, the message is that too much importance is given to appearances.
- If there is disorder or objects accumulated in the garage, the message is of fear and lack of ability to update.
- If there is disorder and objects piled up throughout the house, the message is of courage, anger, laziness and apathy towards all aspects of life.
- If there is disorder or objects accumulated in corridors, the message is of conflicts to communicate, fear of saying and manifesting what is desired in life.
- If there is disorder or objects accumulated in the room, the message is of fear of social rejection.
- If there is disorder in the dining room, the message is of fear of not taking firm and solid steps, a sense of dominance on the part of the family.
About the Disorder Louise L. Hay says:
Make room for the new Yes, make room for the new. Empty the refrigerator, throw away all those remains wrapped in aluminum foil. Clean the closets, get rid of everything you haven’t used in the last six months. And if you haven’t used it for a year, that’s definitely too much in your house, so sell it, change it, give it away or burn it.
The crowded and messy cabinets reflect a mind in disorder. While cleaning the closets, tell yourself that you are cleaning your mental closets. The Universe loves symbolic gestures…